I mai i fjor hadde vi besøk hjemme hos oss. Så hyggelige og proffe jenter! Fotograf Carina Olander og journalist Anna Truelsen kontaktet meg et par uker før, og ville gjerne ta interiørbilder…hos oss…??! :-)
Det var veldig lærerikt og morsomt å se hvordan de jobbet med fotografering til reportasje.
Ha en strålende torsdag alle sammen!
In May ast year, a photographer and a stylist/journalist visited our home :-) They wanted to take pictures and know a bit about the way we had decorated our home. It was so exciting and educational to see how they planned eached photo, looking for good angles and the best light.
Last week I was told that the article would be published in the latest issue of Maison Interiør, a Norwegian interior magazine. Both exiting and scary at the same time, and also a bit surreal since we just sold this house, and are now in the middle of renovating our new home :-)
Unfortunately, I believe the magazine Maison Interiør is available only in Norway!
Have a wonderful Thursday everybody!